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Cancer healed!!

Three years ago I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Surgery was mandated at the Toronto General Hospital. I was fortunate that a radiofrequency ablation was possible which involved freezing the relevant area while I chose to remain awake. After 20 minutes I smelled something burning and quickly realized that I was what I advised the doctor to be the subject of what I called a live cremation. He got a chuckle out of that one and I got what I thought was a complete resolution.

In August I returned for a routine check only to be told that a tumor had been spotted. I was advised that the cancer had returned and a biopsy would be done to define the prospects for surgery which appeared inevitable. Rosalind and I sought prayer from faithful friends. My daughter Mary Ruth drove me to TGH and I was prepped for the biopsy. I was placed on the table. The entire procedure was explained to me and I was asked if I was ready. In that situation, there is really only one answer so we were ready to go. The table moved into the MRI so the doctor could confirm the location of the tumor. Then it was withdrawn. Twice more this curious procedure was followed interspersed with vague mumblings from the team. Finally, the doctor spoke. " Mr. McLean, I do not know how to tell you this. We have good news and bad news. The good news is that there is no need for the biopsy because what we were looking for and what was on the records is no longer there. The bad news is we brought you all the way from Ottawa. "I advised him that was the type of bad news I could take. I said, "that is because people were praying for me." He did not know what to make of that and simply advised that my doctor would be in touch. One of the nurses in the immediate area was looking interested. I said to her "you know prayer is important."  She answered with a loud amen so I knew where she was coming from. Needless to say, it was a special drive home.

I told only Rosalind until the next day when I was able to read the medical report on the TGH portal which confirmed in writing what had transpired. I have seen wonderful healings in Africa and India and was always jealous for those to be seen in Canada. I have been blessed to have seen some here but have always been hungry for more. Never would I have thought that my own experience would be significant. I have been blessed and my faith quotient has risen dramatically. The Lord is a healer and I intend to not hesitate in praying for the sick and encouraging the church to pray without ceasing for His healing touch.

Ian McLean